The Almost Beach Trip
Friday, April 1, 2011
With yesterday's record high heat here in Cali, I felt like summer was already upon us! I am ready since I feel like it rained the entire month of March! Adam had to work at a client's office in Santa Monica, so Lily and I took the train into downtown LA for the first time! We wanted to go walk around the pier and see the area for the afternoon. We missed the first train (and I was hot from pushing her in the stroller to the station) so as we waited around for the next one; I decided to get a drink. Lily needed some too.
Naturally she spilled it all over the front of her shirt, but at least she was happy. After picking up the car we headed over to the Santa Monica Promenade. I love the outdoor malls around here since Lily does so much better in her stroller and I don't have to carry her around or chase her! I did let her run around for a bit and she took off into Old Navy. I couldn't figure out why until I saw this:
Yes, she is giving a mannequin a hug. And she loved the dog too! Lily LOVES other kids and tries to hug them all, alive or not apparently.
About halfway through our mall trip, Adam let me know we going to the Lakers game. They played against the Dallas Mavericks, so it was a great game to go to see. In my rush to find a "better" shirt - Adam let me know he thought my shirt was hideous and I "could buy a new one if I wanted," I didn't even take Lily to the beach that was two blocks away. I feel bad, but I will get her out there soon!
After an hour of traffic (we went a total of 16 miles. Ridiculous) we made it to the game. We were in PWC's box so we had awesome seats and plenty of room for Lily to run around. Naturally I forgot my camera at home, which happens anytime something unexpectedly fun comes along, so these were the best pictures I could get.
The video screen in the ceiling really messed with my poor phone camera, so all the pictures had a nice glow.
Lily loved the game - she watched the court with rapt attention and clapped the whole time! The Lakers won and now Lily will be a fan for life!
Lily and her love for hugs!! Pretty sure she inherited that from her uncle justin. either way, i'm taking credit for it...also glad to see you guys had fun down at the lakers game. sporting events are always a good time...hope all is well!
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