Poor Poor Lily
Well that dreaded blood work came back and Lily is anemic, not surprising since it runs in the family. But still, poor thing has to take supplements, and get re-tested! Not only that but it is manifesting itself! She is still wild and crazy but she seems to bruise very easily. The doctor (and I) think the anemia may be temporary because of a growth spurt; she does get the right foods to eat!!! Here is her bruise from crashing into the bed. It appeared literally three seconds after she fell!?
Have any of you heard about a baby being anemic? If so, what did you/whoever do about it? Read more...
Dumb and Dumber and a Birthday
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Poor Lily
This is phrase I often hear out of Adam's mouth anytime Lily cries, which is usually only when I try to put her to bed. Most of the time I respond with "Poor Lily? No, poor Mommy." Since I am always the one up at night, changing the diapers, wiping the nose, I like to feel sorry for myself. However today Lily gets all the pity.
She went in for her 12 month check-up and here are the stats:
Height - 29.7 - 56%
Weight - 20. 25 - 28% (Finally enough for a "big girl car seat!")
Now the sad part. After getting two shots, the doctor told me Lily had to go for a blood draw! I didn't even know they did blood draws on healthy babies. So we went to the lab, where I had to hold Lily down while the technician found her little vein and stuck her with a needle that looked way to big. I couldn't look, but Lily was screaming and whimpering and I almost cried too.
Needless to say, poor Lily.
Wanted: One Shoe
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Dear Family and Friends:
Lily here.
The Almost Beach Trip
Friday, April 1, 2011
With yesterday's record high heat here in Cali, I felt like summer was already upon us! I am ready since I feel like it rained the entire month of March! Adam had to work at a client's office in Santa Monica, so Lily and I took the train into downtown LA for the first time! We wanted to go walk around the pier and see the area for the afternoon. We missed the first train (and I was hot from pushing her in the stroller to the station) so as we waited around for the next one; I decided to get a drink. Lily needed some too.
Naturally she spilled it all over the front of her shirt, but at least she was happy. After picking up the car we headed over to the Santa Monica Promenade. I love the outdoor malls around here since Lily does so much better in her stroller and I don't have to carry her around or chase her! I did let her run around for a bit and she took off into Old Navy. I couldn't figure out why until I saw this: