Someday, Maybe, We'll Figure All This Out

 Thursday, September 1, 2011

So these last few weeks have been full of craziness.  Let's see if I can remember everything that has been going on. 

First, we bought a house! Now this in and of itself constitutes immense amounts of change in our lives, but throw in a few other things and craziness ensues... 

Second, we bought a car.  We once again are a two-car family.  I love being able to go wherever, whenever. Not that I ever really go anywhere.

Third, we are having a new baby! She should be arriving in March so we will have two little March babies! I say she, because my last ultrasound at 13 weeks looked like a girl.  The tech said she can't sure since its still pretty early, but for right now we are going with it!

So I think that about sums up our life.  Someday, I'll figure it all out.  For now, my house is still full of unopened boxes, half finished rooms and no decoractions.  Its cool.

Also someday, I'll get decent looking pictures up.  Until then, this is as good as it gets.


JoAnna Fountain September 1, 2011 at 10:45 AM  

Congrats Ali! I can't believe you are going to be a mother of 2! You are totally beating me. lol. You have a lot of big changes going on, congrats on being a new home owner. I can't wait to see pictures of the new place. Good luck with everything. You are missed.

Shana Kummer September 1, 2011 at 4:55 PM  

Congratulations Ali on everything! Those are some wonderful big changes for your family. Hope we can see you again soon!

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