
 Monday, September 19, 2011

Adam and I were invited to go to an event sponsoring the Blind Center of Nevada! We had a fun time getting dressed up and attending one of our first formal functions together. 

The night started off with a silent auction where we won tickets to Le Reve, a show at the Wynn Hotel and dinner at a fancy steakhouse! It will make a perfect anniversary date.

The current and former mayor of Las Vegas (they are husband and wife) made an appearance, sadly they were serving drinks, so we didn't have a reason to go over to their table.

One of the former American Idol finalists, Scott McIntyre, who happens to be blind, performed at the event, along with some other famous people, including a chef (who cooked, not performed), who are also blind. 

We ate dinner at the top (yes the very top, which looks really high in this picture but really is only 16 stories) of the World Market Center. Our table looked down over the "Old Strip" and was a spectacular view!

We were right by the window and got to see all the lights below.  It was pretty exciting for us, since our dates usually consist of taking Lily bug to Taco Bell.  Ha ha now that she is mobile and VERY active, we don't get out as much as we used to.

We had a great night and are grateful to Adam's cousins for taking on Lily for the evening so we could go out!


Quick Updates

 Monday, September 12, 2011

We have had a few things happen over the past weeks that failed to make it into the blog.  Here is a short attempt to get them in!

Our first niece was blessed in the middle of August.  Since Lily is a little baby-crazy we got some shots of her interacting (mauling) her cousin Ava.

Next we had our friends Ben and Heather come for a long weekend.  They also have a little one, so once again Lily had a great time playing big sister.  She is going to either love or hate our own little baby in a few months!

This final event probably deserves its own post, but since I only managed to get two pictures, I'll add it.  My family is moving up to Idaho, so we had our very last trip to Arkansas.  Since my little brother is leaving on his mission at the end of the month, all the siblings went out to say goodbye to family and friends and to hear his final talk in our home ward.  It was a bittersweet trip.  On the one side, I am sad that I won't be going back to my hometown, but on the other, its great to have my family closer!

Lily and Ethan had a blast together and spent the time playing outside and with the dog.  Poor little dog.

So farewell to Spencer (almost) and Arkansas!!!


Someday, Maybe, We'll Figure All This Out

 Thursday, September 1, 2011

So these last few weeks have been full of craziness.  Let's see if I can remember everything that has been going on. 

First, we bought a house! Now this in and of itself constitutes immense amounts of change in our lives, but throw in a few other things and craziness ensues... 

Second, we bought a car.  We once again are a two-car family.  I love being able to go wherever, whenever. Not that I ever really go anywhere.

Third, we are having a new baby! She should be arriving in March so we will have two little March babies! I say she, because my last ultrasound at 13 weeks looked like a girl.  The tech said she can't sure since its still pretty early, but for right now we are going with it!

So I think that about sums up our life.  Someday, I'll figure it all out.  For now, my house is still full of unopened boxes, half finished rooms and no decoractions.  Its cool.

Also someday, I'll get decent looking pictures up.  Until then, this is as good as it gets.


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