Rainy Day Fun

 Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Adam's family came out to visit for the weekend and despite the rainy weather we had a good time! Lily entertained us all and when she was ready for a nap, we busted out the stroller, silly hat, and gloves from Grandma to brave the cold. They were a little big and Lily couldn't quite make out what they were doing on her hands...

There is this humongous tree in our neighborhood that is quite possibly one of the coolest things I have ever seen.  Every single time I walk by, I have to stop and look.  Its just one of those little moments where I feel like God's hand is truly in every aspect of the world.

We took a trip downtown to see Adam's office way up on the 46th floor.  Every twenty or so floors have an elevator, it goes so fast I kinda felt like I was taking off an airplane. 46 doesn't sound too high until you get up there and look down, at which point you realize the cars look like ants. Pretty neat.  He can see the ocean, the Hollywood sign and a few other landmarks from different corners of the building.

Lily riding along with Papa and Grandma Hales on the way to CPK for lunch.

Since it was All-Star Basketball Weekend the downtown area had some different activities going on.  We headed underneath the street for "Los Fearless." It was a two-on-two basketball tourament for "people?"  Ha ha I don't know who they were, but everyone was about two feet taller than me.

Photo of the Hales clan underground.

Lily loved having so many new toys, um people, around; she was nothing but smiles all day!


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