Merry Christmas! Late...

 Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Being out of town makes it a little tough to keep up the blog, and unfortunately, my computer is on its last leg so that makes it doubly hard.  Still we had a marvelous vacation, first with my family in good old Arkansas.  Sadly, this is the first time Adam and I have been home since our wedding.  We had a blast seeing my mom and dad, Spencer, Hannah, and Brittany, Jared and Ethan.  It was so funny to watch Lily and Ethan check each out, "share" toys, and basically do what babies do best - make everyone laugh!

Now I have more pictures, but they are ones I am sure my family would not appreciate being posted here since most are from the early morning.... Suffice it to say Lily enjoyed her grandparents and great-grandmas too!


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