Up Up
Monday, November 22, 2010
So now that Lily bug knows how to crawl, she has moved on to standing. She stands on everything. Pulls herself up on the coffee table, the end tables, the TV stand, the walls, the bath, me. Seriously, everything. Then she bangs her hands on whatever happens to be within reach. Poor thing has had many head bonks when she loses her balance, but ever the trooper, she returns to the same perilous places and pulls herself back up. She has even started letting go and balancing for a few seconds before toppling over or grabbing on for support.
And a cute shot of her little butt. Ha ha its so funny when she crawls and her little diaper sticks out the back.
On another note, I am so excited for Thanksgiving!!! It is definitely my favorite holiday. All my favorite foods come out around the holidays, especially the desserts. I have already been watching The Food Network in preparation for the day that I cook the whole meal for my family!
I'm feeling a bit like rambling tonight, possibly because Adam has been studying 24/7 for the past three days, and I have barely spoken to anyone besides Lily. However, tomorrow is Park Day, which I love. Sunshine, little kids and other moms all getting out of the house and playing. What could be better?
PS. I got a new phone and downloaded this app called "Unblock Me." I think I have been playing it for two hours. Perhaps I have an addictive personality and never knew it until this game came along. If you don't have it, get it.
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