Let Me Tell You
Thursday, February 2, 2012
A little bit about Lily. She has developed into quite a funny little girl. Here are a few examples:
1. Somehow she has learned the word "mine" I always thought this word was coming, but I didn't think I would hear it out of her mouth for at least a few more months (when her little sister arrives). In the last few weeks, however, everything is "mine." And it doesn't come out as a nice little declaration - but is accompanied by a scowl and grabbing of whatever object. Lily loves to say it so much, she practices her delivery and faces in the mirror when she thinks I am not looking. So yes, I have walked into my bathroom and seen her up on the counter glaring at herself.
2. She has a funny way of categorizing everyone she sees into four categories. You are either a mama, dada, papa (grandpa) or a baby. Those are her favorite words. In books she points out the people based on these criteria. She does the same thing in public - can be rather embarrassing when she points at random strangers and yells mommy! or daddy!
3. Lily can say so many words, her name is not one of them. She has recently taken up calling herself baby or momma's baby. Basically, I hear the word baby about three hundred times a day. Hooray!
4. For some strange reason, known only to her, Lily has started squinting/closing her eyes at random times. She will do this when feeling shy - which is normal I think. However what I am not sure is normal is when she will close her eyes and try to walk around the house or read a book or in the middle of a conversation (as much discussion is possible with a 22 month old that is). Due to this new fun game, she has run into the wall several times, also the table and chairs. Luckily, she doesn't hit anything too hard and thinks its all quite funny.
5. Lily also learned to say no. She doesn't just say it though, she wails it. Like, Nooo.... Complete with head shaking and pouty lips. For example, the other day I bought myself a smoothie - an indulgence since I think they are way overpriced and I rarely am able to finish them. As we were driving home, I handed the cup back to Lily for a few drinks. When I asked for it back, she wailed no! and kicked my hand out of reach of the cup. Needless to say, I only got about three sips.
6. Two of Lily's newest words are spill and sneeze. She is very protective of her new bed and spilled some water during her nap. When she woke up, she was distressed and had to show me the spill and wouldn't calm down until I told her I would wash her sheets. For sneeze, she walks around the house saying a-choo And then saying, "I sneeze." I'll try to get a video because she sounds so funny when she says them!
7. By the time I finished this post, yes it has been in the works for a few weeks, pretty much all of this is outdated. Lily is learning new words at a rapid pace and is kind of a little stinker. She is fiercely independent, note the scowl below, and loves to help me in the kitchen. In fact, she has broken several of my spice jars and dumped out numerous other kitchen necessities (vanilla extract) while trying to help. Still, we love her!
There is more I'm sure. But for now this little list will suffice. Read more...