
 Friday, October 5, 2012

We made a quick pit stop at the park this afternoon. Now that Scarlett is (yikes!) crawling and standing up on things and yes, attempting to walk, I decided she would probably love the swings.  She did.

Checking out her cute shoes.

Lily is also warming up to swings.



 Saturday, September 29, 2012

First let me just say hooray for vacations.

We went to Scottsdale for a week and had a nice relaxing little week off from life! Granted with two kids it is not quite as peaceful, but definitely fun. We spent our days at the pool- they had a super fun "Lizard Lagoon" for Lily to play and floating around the lazy river in tubes! Adam got in his fair share if golf and I got to do a little kid-free shopping. Of course my kids are the ones who benefitted mostly from those trips!

We saw the resident bearded dragon, Gonzo, and went for a least one walk a day!

We also got to go to a Diamondbacks game! Luckily we had box seats so the girls had some space to move, otherwise we probably wouldn't have lasted more than one inning.

In Lily's words, "It was super duper fun!"



 Monday, September 10, 2012

We took Lily and Scarlett to the Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay. Lily was in heaven running around, pointing out fish, sharks and jelly fish among other things. Scarlett was probably just happy to be out of the house! The coolest part was touching a sting ray! They have a little tub full of different kinds of the little guys and as they swim around you can reach in and touch them, gently of course. Lily loved it so much we had to go back a few times!

Even though it's called the Shark Reef, we didn't spend much time looking at the sharks! Other animals were far too enthralling!


Who is it?

 Thursday, August 30, 2012

Can you guess which is which?


Summer Days

 Saturday, August 25, 2012

We have been spending lots if time with family, friends and hanging out. Adam has been and continues to be very busy with work and I rarely have any downtime keeping up with Scarlett and Lily!

Scarlett is crawling, rolling and loving her big sister! They love to giggle at each other and play all day. Lily is getting bigger and smarter every day! I know there is lots more to tell, but I'm just going to post a few pictures and let them do the talking!



 Saturday, July 7, 2012

This 4th weekend, we had a little stay-cation here in Vegas. What this pretty means is we did fun things and I didn't cook at all. Ha ha I did make a few peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and a few batches of pasta for Lily, but other than that my kitchen stayed clean!

We took the girls swimming, had some barbecues with family, and did a few other fun things! Namely, we went to the Aquarium at one of the casinos. We read it was a "best attraction for kids" and decided to try it out. While we waited for the show, Lily ran like a her usual crazy self. We managed to snap a few photos of her. Scarlett was being silly so I got a few pictures of her funny faces (reminds me a lot of Lily!)

All in all it was great! Lily loved the mermaid! She blew kisses through the water and put her hand on glass so Lily could hold hers up against it too!


Sweet Scarlett

 Friday, May 4, 2012

Here are a few photos of my newest love! She has been smiling and giggling, so one day I'll catch it!



 Thursday, May 3, 2012

So the last two months have been more than a little busy.  And when I say busy, I mostly mean me sitting on the couch feeding Scarlett while Lily dances around the house singing songs and occasionally yelling them.  I already feel like Scarlett is my poor neglected child as evidenced by the lack of posts and pictures.  I have tried, but since we don't seem to leave the house as much as we did when Lily was a baby, I just never get her (or myself, or Lily for that matter) dressed.  And pictures in boring onesies or pajamas just aren't as much fun to take as the ones with huge bows and silly outfits.

So to start off, here are a few of Ethan and Lily.  Notice Lily cramping Ethan in the first photo.  She kept putting her hand on him and he kept removing it!  Ha ha but the last photo of them shows his true feelings! He loves Lily!  Maybe not as much as she loves {to bug} him though...

Now that Adam and I have taken the iPhone plunge (him for work, me for the easily accessible, surprisingly good camera), I vow to take more photos and videos.  Whether or not they get posted is another vow I am not quite ready to make.



 Sunday, March 18, 2012

Scarlett Jane Hales was born March 1st at 1:38 in the afternoon!

She weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces and was 20 inches long!

Mom, Dad and Lily all survived the hospital and made it home thanks to the help of three grandmas and one papa! 

Scarlett already has quite the temper when things (i.e. food and diaper changers) don't come as quickly as she believes they should. Ha and I thought this would be my "calm" child compared to Lily!

Here are a few of her first photos!

Since I somehow managed to be in almost every other picture from the hospital and there is NO way those photos will end up being seen by anyone but me, these few pictures are all that I have until I get up the gumption (and time) to put more recent ones of Scarlett (and her big sister Lily!!) on here.

Here's to life with two little wild girls!


Let Me Tell You

 Thursday, February 2, 2012

A little bit about Lily.  She has developed into quite a funny little girl.  Here are a few examples:

1.  Somehow she has learned the word "mine"  I always thought this word was coming, but I didn't think I would hear it out of her mouth for at least a few more months (when her little sister arrives).  In the last few weeks, however, everything is "mine."  And it doesn't come out as a nice little declaration - but is accompanied by a scowl and grabbing of whatever object.  Lily loves to say it so much, she practices her delivery and faces in the mirror when she thinks I am not looking.  So yes, I have walked into my bathroom and seen her up on the counter glaring at herself.

2.  She has a funny way of categorizing everyone she sees into four categories.  You are either a mama, dada, papa (grandpa) or a baby.  Those are her favorite words.  In books she points out the people based on these criteria.  She does the same thing in public - can be rather embarrassing when she points at random strangers and yells mommy! or daddy! 

3.  Lily can say so many words, her name is not one of them.  She has recently taken up calling herself baby or momma's baby. Basically, I hear the word baby about three hundred times a day. Hooray!

4. For some strange reason, known only to her, Lily has started squinting/closing her eyes at random times.  She will do this when feeling shy - which is normal I think.  However what I am not sure is normal is when she will close her eyes and try to walk around the house or read a book or in the middle of a conversation (as much discussion is possible with a 22 month old that is).  Due to this new fun game, she has run into the wall several times, also the table and chairs.  Luckily, she doesn't hit anything too hard and thinks its all quite funny.

5. Lily also learned to say no.  She doesn't just say it though, she wails it.  Like, Nooo.... Complete with head shaking and pouty lips.  For example, the other day I bought myself a smoothie - an indulgence since I think they are way overpriced and I rarely am able to finish them.  As we were driving home, I handed the cup back to Lily for a few drinks.  When I asked for it back, she wailed no! and kicked my hand out of reach of the cup.  Needless to say, I only got about three sips.

6.  Two of Lily's newest words are spill and sneeze.  She is very protective of her new bed and spilled some water during her nap.  When she woke up, she was distressed and had to show me the spill and wouldn't calm down until I told her I would wash her sheets.  For sneeze, she walks around the house saying a-choo And then saying, "I sneeze." I'll try to get a video because she sounds so funny when she says them!

7. By the time I finished this post, yes it has been in the works for a few weeks, pretty much all of this is outdated.  Lily is learning new words at a rapid pace and is kind of a little stinker.  She is fiercely independent, note the scowl below, and loves to help me in the kitchen.  In fact, she has broken several of my spice jars and dumped out numerous other kitchen necessities (vanilla extract) while trying to help.  Still, we love her!

There is more I'm sure.  But for now this little list will suffice.


Christmas Day

 Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I felt like Christmas took a lot of time coming this year.  Maybe because Adam was working like crazy and then went out of town for a few days (more about that later).  I didn't really do anything Christmas-y, so it was hard to get in the spirit of things.  Luckily, Adam and I had to give talks about the reason we have Christmas a few weeks before, so at least we had some lovely discussions on stories and events centered around the Savior.  Other than that, no cookie-baking or craft-making went on in my house. Poor Lily is a deprived child.  I'll make up for it when she starts to develop a longer-term memory - say around age three.

Amazingly, Lily only managed to get one present opened before the big day, so I was feeling pretty good about my distraction abilities. She had a blast on Christmas morning. We figured she would be excited to open presents, but I didn't realize how long it would take her to move from one thing to the next. Every present had to be carefully inspected, removed from the box, batteries inserted and played with and/or read for a little bit before she was ready for another. Not only that, but she loved to carry presents around to different family members - a giver already! So then we had to re-gather all her unopened presents from various places around the room before she was finally finished. Get ready for an overload of pictures...

After presents we went to Church. Here is what we go through trying to get a family picture. Lily is typically diving out of our arms, hiding, chewing on her fingers (she thought this was particularly funny so she kept doing it in every picture while we tried to hold her hands) or generally not paying attention to where the camera was. Hence, we never take family pictures. Someday she may sit still long enough.


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