
 Monday, November 14, 2011

Now normally I don't do posts like this because I think they are a little cheesy and sometimes TMI for the general public.  However, this morning I am feeling a bit sentimental and decided what the heck. 

I am so very lucky to be married to a wonderful guy.  Adam has been so helpful during my pregnancy and doing all the things I am not the biggest fan of.  For example, he gets Lily out of bed every morning when she wakes up, changes her nearly exploding diaper and sends her in to give me loves.  He cleans the dishes I leave in the sink (and occasionally on the counter) and takes me out to eat places I like (think BBQ).  He works a ton and still manages to spend time with us. He indulges me with my near-nightly bubble baths.

I love him.  Lily does too.

Ok I'm done. 



 Sunday, November 13, 2011

We love her. 



 Wednesday, November 9, 2011

As Lily ages, she seems to not only display more and more of my physical characteristics (pretty much everything except the curly hair), but lately, similar personality characteristics seem to be emerging as well...

The most recent example is Lily's fascination with a certain item of clothing.  Last week I put a little red hoodie on Lily because the weather has been a bit nippy here.  Since I put it on Friday night, Lily has worn it everyday.  And not with my encouragement.  She merely sees it (or any other item of clothing) and immediately asks for her jacket. Short of hiding it from her, I can't keep her out of it.  I guess there could be worse things.  If you ask my mom, I was obsessed with nylons.  I put them on all the time, over pants, dresses whatever I had on.  Now I can't stand to wear them. 

So what if my kid eats, plays and sleeps in the same clothing for a week straight?

See how happy she is? Who am I to ruin her childhood dreams? Maybe the best option at this point would be to pick up a few more hoodies and see if we can at least rotate colors.



 Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Once again, this holiday began with drama.  If you remember back, last Easter Lily had a morning freak-out about the bunny ears or whatever I tried to do that she didn't like so much, and then last Halloween she hated her costume and ended up being a UNLV cheerleader (not really a costume).  Naturally, this time around I should have expected something similar, I didn't. Thus, at 3:30, an hour and half before we were supposed to be to Grandma's for Trunk or Treat, I was scrambling.  Its not as though I wasn't prepared for a costume change.  I had last year's failed costume (that still fit), a football outfit from Grandma Hales and a Snow White dress from Nana Dunlop.  All had been favorites earlier in the day, and I just needed to pick one.  Ha. Lily threw a fit every time a new outfit came on.

What is a mom to do with no costume, but a baby who loves to carry around her pumpkin and knock on doors? Why, improvise of course.  I found some stuff I had lying around the house and whipped up some magic in about an hour.  Thank goodness for stitch witchery (no sew hemming tape) or Lily would have had NO costume. So keeping all that in mind.  Here she is!

OK, so not the greatest costume ever, but she made a cute cat. We even got her to say "meow" a few times.  But mostly, she loved to wave good-bye to people after they gave her candy. Lily had a blast walking around knocking doors.  We only took her a few before the Trunk or Treat, but she L.O.V.E.D. it. Although she didn't quite understand what was going on, since after she knocked on the door(one of her favorite things to do - my poor neighbors always see this little girl knocking on doors for no reason when we go for walks), she walked right into every home, as if saying, "Ok give me a tour and let's see what this place looks like."  Luckily everyone thought she was so cute, they didn't mind and even let her see their dogs/cats/decorations and of course, gave her more candy.

By the time we headed over to the Trunk part, Lily's pumpkin was pretty full, so I happily relieved her of some of the better candy.  The parking lot of the church was packed! I couldn't believe how people came.  Lily had so much fun walking around and holding out her basket for people to fill.  She raced around and saw all the Jack 'O' Lanterns people decorated their cars with.  Her little treat holder was so full and heavy, but she wouldn't let anyone else carry it! So we had to forgo a few of the aisles and head back home.  We ended the night with pizza and hiding the candy from Lily.  Lucky for me, she is too little to eat most of it.


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