Photo Story
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Here is a funny "photo story" of Lily.
This could be one of those memories!
Here is a funny "photo story" of Lily.
I am worried about my daughter. Lately she has been exhibiting signs of deep-set rage. She pounds her little fists on anything and everyone. She has nearly broken my keyboard, the piano, and my face. I wonder where all this anger is coming from? Still very cute as she giggles immediately after her face was bent on destruction.
On another note. Lily thinks the world revolves around her, which it does. She believes all "fun" noises, such as alarm clock beeps, clapping, cell phones ringing, and cars honking are created solely for her listening pleasure. She displays this with big grins and looks of joy whenever these noises occur.
Oh and she likes to sit by herself in shopping carts and high chairs now. Here she is deciding what to order for dinner.
I have been cutting Adam's hair lately. Now remember, I am no pro and have only cut it once or twice before this. Also, it was dark outside, my baby was screaming for me to come get her and I didn't really want to cut his hair at that time. Still, he is, sadly, the one who got the short end of the stick.
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