On Second Thought...

 Wednesday, July 28, 2010

So in looking at the above picture I noticed Lily look an awful lot like her cousin Ethan around the same age.  Compare:


New Hat

I went to the mall today so I could get out of the house for a few minutes.  In the process of window shopping, I came across this little hat.  Of course, I HAD to go in and next thing I knew Lily was sporting a new look.  Here it is.  Love it!!!


Like Father, Like Daughter

 Friday, July 16, 2010

Everyday Lily is turning out to be more and more like Adam! As previously shown, she talks very loudly (that's a Hales' thing), now she is showing her true colors of being a Mountain Dew lover like daddy and Grandpa Hales (maybe one day she'll be like her mommy and Grandpa Dunlop and love Dr. Pepper!):

And sleeps with her arms taking up as much space as possible, again just like Daddy!

Such a doll!


Moving: Part Two

 Monday, July 12, 2010

So I have mentioned a few times about big changes in our lives!  Those included graduation and moving to Los Angeles California!  We are living in a cutesy little town east of LA, and I finally took some pictures of the house - here they are.

First the living room:

Next is the family room/ Lily's toy and play room/Adam's golf watching room:

And the dining room and kitchen:

The house has four bedrooms, one became Adam's office:

One is Lily's dressing room (she still sleeps in our room). Notice some of her blankets and clothes on the bed:

Another is our bedroom:

The fourth bedroom didn't make the post because it is now a stuff collecting room. The outside has lots of flower gardens for me to weed.  Boo. There is also a grape vine I am learning to prune/tend.  Hopefully we can have yummy grapes soon!

Finally we have a pool! We haven't gotten Lily in yet, but she has a float - Thanks Grandma Gaylynn! And I finally bought swim diapers, so it is only a matter of time.

Well that's the new house! Come visit!!!!


Moving: Part One

 Friday, July 9, 2010

Lillian has reached one of the first "milestones."  She can now roll over from her back to her tummy.  She has been halfway there for a few weeks and suddenly today she decided to complete the task. Now I can't get her to stop! Here is a little video of her going at it rather slowly, but some day I'll catch the speedier version. 


Perks of Girls, What We've Been Doing and So Forth

 Friday, July 2, 2010

First of all one of the perks of having a baby girl:

Painting cute toes (only when she sleeps of course - learned that the hard way).

And what we've been doing...

Adam studies for the CPA and gets ready for the first day of work coming up! Lily helps where she can.

Mom gets bored and plays with Lily/makes her look ridiculous for the camera. She got new toys and is already so excited to stand up! In fact, she screams until you hold her up, so I am grateful for the exer-saucer (ha ha).  Wears her out pretty fast - she loves the cow and the pig and talks to/screams at them constantly.

Making funny faces in her new Bumbo!

And Lily and I go for lots of walks around the neighborhood!

Finally, I couldn't get a great picture of this, but after her bath Lily had a cute little curl on the top of her head! This is best I could get of a wiggly baby.

Other than that, I am adjusting to being a housewife with no friends (working on that one), and only one person to hang out with all day - unfortunately she doesn't talk. I need some hobbies. Got any ideas?


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