Happy Father's Day!

 Monday, June 21, 2010

Well Sunday was Adam's first Father's Day and he celebrated with the professional golfers at the US Open! He and Lily watched the action together...

I also surprised him with a one night trip to San Diego a few weeks ago since we are only a few hours away and got a steal on a really nice hotel! We walked the trail along the beach to Seaside Village and let Lily enjoy watching the yachts and waves.

We ate at Fred's Mexican Food (a Hales' family Hawaii favorite as well) and hung out in the room where we could watch all the people walking around the Gaslamp District below us.

Finally we had breakfast at a local favorite and headed back home!

All in all it was a great little trip and even though it was a little before Father's Day - we had fun!

And of course since our lives now revolve around her - here are a few of Lily's most recent pictures...


Three Months

 Saturday, June 19, 2010

Today Lily is three months old! She is on a mission to roll over and gets so close but can't manage to get her arm out of the way. She tries so hard and gets mad when she gets stuck, but we know she is going to figure it out soon!

Here are a few pictures as well and I am going to get some of our new place eventually!!!

Lily loves to stick out her tongue!

And smile for Mommy!

But hates getting out of the bath because she loves to kick the water!



 Saturday, June 12, 2010

Lily has found her voice! She talks for hours on end so we finally caught some on video that was good enough to post - not great but good enough. We enjoy listening to her, but she likes to have "conversations" so excuse my baby-talk voice in them (I hate listening to recordings of my voice - I sound like a little kid). We also caught the infamous yawn she inherited from her father... Enjoy!


Moving and Growing!

 Wednesday, June 2, 2010

We have officially left Utah for good! I am posting from a current stopover in Vegas while we wait for our new place in California to get ready for us.  Adam starts his new job in downtown Los Angeles the first of July, so luckily we have a month or so to get our stuff situated, figure out the town, and hopefully meet some new friends (since we don't know a soul).  We are both very excited and can't wait to start another new phase of life - I'll call this "real life" ha ha since we are finally out of school and entering the workforce.

On another note....
Lily and I got a new stroller! It is a little big as you can see, but with some minor adjustments, we made it work.

 Here is a close-up of how Lily felt....

Ha ha not so great. However she did go in for her two month check-up and weighs a whooping 12.5 pounds and is 23 inches long! Big girl! Here she is in her first 3-6 month outfit. I tried to catch her smiling in the second one but only ended up with a slightly blurry picture and her signature smirk, still cute in my mind though.


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